Weekly Worship - 9:00 AM
We gather for weekly worship at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary. Our service is about an hour, includes communion, follows a Lutheran liturgy, with a blend of music styles. You are welcome - come as you are. We have a play area up front and off to the side for young children. We welcome all to join for communion. Following worship, we gather for coffee and treats.
At 10:30 AM we have our Sunday Forum. We meet in the Activity Building for this.
At 10:30 AM we also make sandwiches for the welcome center at Grace St. Paul, our neighbors.
Our 9:00 AM service is livestreamed and recorded and available on our website.
Watch live on YouTube streaming on Sunday at 9:00 AM (click on video to the left at that time).
Previous filmed services are available for viewing on our YouTube Channel.
Join us immediately following worship, in the Activity Building
for our annual meeting.
We will reflect on the past year, discuss and vote on our Mission Plan, elect new Council and other committee members, thank our outgoing Council members, and consider recommended changes
to our governance documents.
And yes, we know it's the same day as the Super Bowl!
"The one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully"
2 Corinthians 9:6b
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