The OSLC Endowment Fund* is a restricted fund of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church (OSLC), located at 1200 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, Arizona 85719. The Fund was established in 1986 upon receipt of an unrestricted bequest, and is administered by the Endowment Committee in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of OSLC.
In 2025, applications will be reviewed in May by the Endowment Committee. Applications must be submitted to the church office by May 1, 2025 for consideration.
The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to enhance the mission outreach of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. The mission of Our Saviour's is being Christ-centered community through faith and action in the heart of Tucson. Our current areas of focus are expansive welcome, housing, music & the arts, and our neighborhood (UA-Banner-Blenman Elm). We are guided, not limited by these areas of focus in awarding grants.
The Endowment Fund is comprised of the initial bequest and additional contributions (gifts, bequests, or memorials) that have been or may be added to the Fund from time to time, along with a portion of the earnings that accrue to the Fund through investment. Only income earned from the Fund, invested principal, is available for distribution each year.
Grants are intended primarily, but not exclusively, to enhance the ministries of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church and its broader mission, and may include benevolences, special projects, congregational or Synod ministries, community ministries and congregational capital improvements. Grants shall be made for specific ministries rather than to other institutions for their discretionary use.
Requests for funding shall be submitted on forms provided by the Endowment Committee (and available online).
The award and amount of any grant shall be at the sole discretion of the Endowment Committee. Grant monies shall be paid directly to the congregation, agency, or institution designated by the applicant and agreed upon by the Committee.
*Endowment funds are perpetually invested funds with only the earned income available for distribution as grants or expenditures.
Please submit this PDF to by the above deadlines to apply for a grant.