9:00 AM — Worship
10-ish AM — Coffee & Conversation
Christ is our peace, and breaks down the walls that divide us -Eph 2:14
You are welcome at Our Saviour’s because of who you are. We are a congregation of longtime churchgoers, newcomers, seekers, and returners with diverse backgrounds, life experiences, and beliefs. We follow a familiar Lutheran service with piano, organ, and guest musicians. We celebrate the cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity of Tucson and seek to be a place of belonging for all. We specifically welcome those who have felt or been excluded from church spaces because of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, financial status, or any other reason. We like the sound of young people in worship, we value the experience of our elders, and all ages between. Our communion table is Christ’s table and you and all people are welcome, no exceptions. Your presence builds up the body of Christ.